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Assignment’s description:

Develop a hands-on activity and handout to educate renal patients to control their fluid intake.


What I learned:

I learned about the importance of carefully balancing fluid in renal patients and incorporating it in a way that’s easy for patients to understand.


Reflection to assignment:

I had a lot of fun in putting this assignment together for the renal patients because I implemented all of the information the patients wanted to know. I also added helpful tips and techniques for fluid control. With this project I was given the chance to use my creativity and knowledge about fluid and applied it towards my interaction with the clients. I was happy and fortunate to see how well the patients learned while being allowed to build a strong bond with them.


Relevance to the profession:

Nutrition education is important for renal patients because renal diets are very restrictive, due to their diseased state. Therefore, it’s critical to help them understand what they can and cannot take in.


Fluid Control Project



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